Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cake Balls: Vanilla Cake Version

In honor of St. Patty's day being right around the corner and the fact that we are going to see our good friends Maney & Amy this weekend (they are our foodie buddies) - I decided to make cake balls again. It was so much fun the first time, why not?

I mentioned in my "Who's Counting" Cake Post that I had a minor failure with one of the vanilla cakes I was making. It was undercooked and decided to sink in the middle. Not in my plan for that cake! At first I was devastated....then I remembered that cake balls are perfect if the cake is undercooked a little bit. Problem solved, devastation averted. Cake balls saved the day! 

Cake Balls: The Vanilla Cake Version

The Cake & Frosting
For the complete cake and frosting recipe click here

The Cake Balls
For the complete and detailed process click here

Since I just did a post on cake balls, I won't go through the whole process again. Here is the short and sweet vanilla version:

Crumble the cake the easy way - with the food processor.

Add frosting to the crumbled cake.

Combine them together - I like to just dig right in. For my family and friends who have kids, they would love to help with this part! :)

Roll them into balls and lay on cookie sheet. Put them in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Melt the chocolate bark a few pieces at a time.

Since St. Patty's day is coming up, I used green food coloring to the chocolate bark and green sprinkles.

 Dip the cake ball into the melted chocolate bark.

 Yum, yum and....

more yum!

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