Monday, August 1, 2011

Our Garden = Epic Fail

Our dreams of a beautiful and plentiful garden have been crushed. 

When we lived in Oregon we didn't even have to try and our garden was lush and green and perfect. We had raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, tomatillos, jalapenos, cilantro, potatoes, sweet peas and a few herbs.

This year, Putter (our sweet Bichon-Poodle) and I faithfully watered our garden. I would water away while he sniffed around. We only had tomatoes, potatoes, cilantro and basil this year. A small garden compared to our others. Thank goodness it was small - considering how it all turned out! We did get a few basil leaves and some cilantro, but the tomatoes produced nothing and the potatoes....oh the potatoes. We had two big green bags full of potato plants and all we have to show for it is this little pitiful excuse for a potato. I might be a little bitter....

Oh well. We will try again next year. Apparently we need a subscription to Georgia Gardening. Or maybe I just need to talk to my Mom-In-Law, her garden was overflowing with vegetables.


  1. I have had a similar experience, but instead of Oregon it was Hawaii, and instead of Georgia, it is Pennsylvania. Better luck next year!

  2. Thanks Jamey! :) Love Hawaii by the way...such a magical place! Better luck to you too!!!


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